Friday, April 5, 2013



Finding a recipe with NO sugar is usually not that daunting.  NO artificial sweetener OF ANY KIND?!?! More of a challenge.  Cane juice?  Agave nectar?  Sorry, not interested.   Keeping the peel on means I get a higher fiber content and that is very important to me.  This recipe passed the ultimate test. A 12 year old can't get enough of it when it's warm!!

5-6 Apples, cut in quarters, cores removed, peels remaining. (I use Jazz apples)
1 tsp. cinnamon
1 tsp. vanilla
dash of nutmeg

Place apples in soup pot and add 2 cups water.  Bring to boil and continue boiling 10 minutes.  Lower heat to low and stir in remaining ingredients.  Let simmer for 30 minutes.  Remove from heat and let cool.  (If I will be immediately serving, I don't let it cool all the way, so it will be warm)
Put apples in food processor with a little of the liquid left in pot.  Pulse until desired consistency is achieved.  In my house, the chunkier the better, but that is a matter of taste)  Serve.

As of today, I am still experimenting with the freezing process.  My friend Vegan Steve makes applesauce in the oven and uses 3-5 different types of apples and then puts it in mason jars, so I may try that and will post comments or another entry as I continue my experiments, but for now, this is simple and wonderful.  Gonna try it with raisins at some point also.  Mmmmm!!!


  1. Good luck with the new blog and may the veggies be with you. Ignore their screams.

  2. I freeze apple sauce in small plastic containers. Once they are hard, I pop them out and store several in one plastic bag.
